Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

61.01.100 Enforcement

(a) Any member of the public shall have the power to enforce the requirements of this title by filing suit in the Tribe's Trial Court. Such actions shall be filed prior to or within thirty (30) days after the violation arises or after discovery of the violation.

(b) The Trial Court shall have the power, in its discretion, upon good cause shown, to issue an appropriate order, injunction, or prohibition and to declare any action or part thereof taken in violation of this law void in whole or in part.

(c) In any suit challenging the validity of an executive session, the Trial Court shall determine the matter de novo and may review in chambers the minutes of such executive session to determine whether the session complies with the requirements of the "Executive Session'' paragraph herein. In such review, the Court shall determine whether such minutes or any part thereof shall remain in executive session.

(d) A public body may ratify an action taken in violation of this law at a public meeting properly held within thirty (30) days after discovery of the violation or after such discovery should have been made using reasonable diligence. The effective date of action ratified pursuant to this section shall be the date of the original enactment.