Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

9.08.170 Assignments

The Court may order the person obligated to pay support or maintenance to make an assignment of a part of his periodic earnings or trust income to the person entitled to receive the payments. The assignment is binding on the employer, trustee, or other payer of the funds two (2) weeks after service upon him of notice that it has been made; however, this order for payment from Individual Indian Money (IIM) accounts under the control of the Agency Superintendent, is not binding on said Superintendent. The payer shall withhold from the earnings or trust income payable to the person obligated to support the amount specified in the assignment and shall transmit the specified in the assignment and shall transmit the payments to the person specified in the order. The payer may deduct from each payment a sum not exceeding five dollars ($5) as reimbursement for costs. An employer shall not discharge or otherwise discipline an employee as a result of a wage or salary assignment authorized by this section.