Turtle Mountain Law Library
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians Tribal Code.

26.12.230 Sexual Abuse

(a) Any person who commits abusive sexual contact

(1) By touching and fondling of the genitals of a child or juvenile or using the mouth for sexual arousal.

(2) By forcing, threatening, intimidating, entices, or coercing a child or juvenile to touch another person's genital area.

(3) Forcing, threatening , intimidating, entices or coercing a child or juvenile to engage in oral sex.

Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a Class 4 offense.

(b) Non-Contact sexual abuse

(1) To intentionally cause a child by threats, intimidation , enticement, or to coerce a child or juvenile to view sexual acts for the purpose of becoming sexually aroused for gratification of the actor, to humiliate or degrade the child.

(2) To intentionally cause a child by threats, intimidation, enticement, or to coerce a child or juvenile to listen to sex acts, including audio tapes or obscene phone calls for the purpose of becoming sexually aroused for gratification of the actor, to humiliate or degrade the child.

(3) To intentionally cause a child by threats, intimidation, enticement or coerce a child or juvenile to view any pornographic material such as videos, DVDs, magazines or photographs through any electronic device for the purpose of becoming sexually aroused for gratification of the actor, to humiliate or degrade the child.

Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a Class [4] four offense.